About Swiss Spiritualist Church
The swiss spiritualist church has as it's mission statement the goal of bringing together this world, and the next, in union and communion with souls, for the purpose of supporting the precept of life after physical death. This relationship between both worlds has the purpose of enabling those in the spiritual world to be able to refelct their presence in our world.
Our Principles and Philosophy
1. The essence of god
2. The role of humanity
3. The communication with the spirit world
4. The ongoing existence of the soul
5. Personal responsabitiliy with karma in motion
6. Progress forever open to all souls
Spiritual philosophy is a personal way of looking at, and understanding how we interact with all things and all dimensions of life, both here and beyond.
Spritiualism helps to give a sense, and growing understanding of many diverse views.
It's the experience of diversity, that free's spiritualism from religious creeds and dogmas.
Sprirtualism is thereby a living personal philosophy and life guideline.
Contained within spiritualism
Mediumship and the evidence should open a door to further curiosity study and understanding that the spiritual world brings to us through it's message. It's up to the individual to choose what they do with it once they have the information. On acceptance that there is life after death we can then continue our spriritual journey in understanding it's purpose.
Our services
5-6 Services a year / spiritual healing / weddings / funerals / namings
We do 5-6 times a year a services provided by a Minister. A spiritualist service contains a open prayer, an inspirational phylosophical talk, a demonstration of life after death, somes songs and a final prayer.
Spriritual Healing
Half a hour befor each service we provide spriritual Healing. There is always about 6 healers there to gives spiritual Healing. Its no need to book it. Just to come and enjoy the wonderful healing energy.
A Minister has the legal right to provide any ceremony as wedding, funeral and naming. It is done serios and with love.
Dates in Person only in Zürich
on Friday
Before the service there is Spiritual Healing at 19.00 Uhr
Service starts at 19.30 Uhr​
2025 In Person in Zürich, Gemeindestr. 19
17. January Medium Bill Coller und Claudia Zuccolo
14. March Medium Bill Coller und Claudia Zuccolo
13. June Medium Bill Coller und Claudia Zuccolo
29. August Medium Bill Coller und Claudia Zuccolo
19. December Medium Bill Coller und Claudia Zuccolo
Dates ONLINE with Zoom
on Sunday
Service at
19.30 Uhr Zürich Online
01.30 pm EST
10.30 am Pacific Time Zone
2025 Zoom Online
09. February Medium Bill Coller und Claudia Zuccolo
06. April Medium Bill Coller und Claudia Zuccolo
04. May Medium Bill Coller und Claudia Zuccolo
06. July Medium Bill Coller und Claudia Zuccolo
28. September Medium Bill Coller und Claudia Zuccolo
09. November Medium Bill Coller und Claudia Zuccolo